Our Privacy Policy:
• We do not sell or share any information on our donors.
• We do not provide donor information of any kind to any other organization or business.
• We do maintain records of all monetary gifts made to Futures for Children, both designated and undesignated gifts.
• We do maintain biography files on donors and friends of Futures for Children. The information in these files is of the nature found in newpapers, magazines, other publications, and public records.
• We provide prospective and former donors the same protection as active donors with respect to the use of personal information.
• We maintain physical, electronic, and organizational safeguards to protect information of donors, friends, and prospective donors of Futures for Children.
• We review our policies and practices, monitor our computer networks, and test the strength of our security in order to help ensure the safety of the information we maintain.
• We value our donors and friends and we take their personal privacy seriously.
For further information, contact us at info@futuresforchildren.org or by calling 800.545.6843.
Futures for Children is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, charitable organization. You may download our 501(c)(3) form here. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS.